Duty Now For The Future

Is war imminent in Colombia? Chavez tells troops to prepare
November 10, 2009, 1:29 am
Filed under: Latin America, War | Tags: , , , , , ,

While the media spins this story into another tale of irrational Venezuelan bluster, quietly preparations are beginning for a potential conflict in Latin America. Will this be a limited conflict between Venezuela and Colombia, or will the U.S use its new found presence in the region as “an opportunity for conducting full spectrum operations throughout South America ?” The U.S military considers Palanquerno such an asset for potential military operations that in the Air Force Global en Route Strategy document, it is treated as a vital defense against “security and stability [that] is under constant threat from narcotics funded terrorist insurgencies…and anti-US governments.”

Obama and Uribe look deeply into each others eyes to reveal the appropriate military strategy.

BBC: Chavez steps up Colombia war talk

Eva Golinger: Official US Air Force Document Reveals the True Intentions Behind the US-Colombia Military Agreement

“…It’s not difficult to imagine which governments in South America are considered by Washington to be “anti-US governments”. The constant aggressive declarations and statements emitted by the State and Defense Departments and the US Congress against Venezuela and Bolivia, and even to some extent Ecuador, evidence that the ALBA nations are the ones perceived by Washington as a “constant threat”. To classify a country as “anti-US” is to consider it an enemy of the United States. In this context, it’s obvious that the military agreement with Colombia is a reaction to a region the US now considers full of “enemies”…”