Duty Now For The Future

U.S-Indo cooperative military drills increase
November 7, 2009, 4:13 am
Filed under: China / SE Asia, War | Tags: , , , ,

Indo-U.S cooperation in the form of military drills is increasing, and judging by the importance placed on them by U.S commanders, the military/intelligence community is perhaps envisioning a situation in which India could be used as a Asian hedge against the potential of a hostile Chinese regime.

Looks like Hawaii has been moved without my knowledge, but the map remains accurate despite this geographical anomaly.

Telegraph (Calcutta): Trained in India, to fight in Iraq

Japanese withdraw from support role in Afghanistan
October 21, 2009, 7:51 am
Filed under: The Pacific, War | Tags: , , ,

The new Japanese government is confirming the suspicions of many that they will likely be moving away from the U.S sphere of influence. Is this the first move in a larger political shift in Asia?

The Times: Japan to withdraw ships from Afghanistan support role

Japan will withdraw its naval ships from their support role in the war in Afghanistan, in the first concrete sign of the new government’s willingness to say no to the United States.

The country’s defense ministry confirmed this morning what had been expected since the election victory of the prime minister, Yukio Hatoyama – that Japan will withdraw its naval forces from the Indian Ocean in January after eight-years in support of anti-terrorism operations.

The announcement comes six days before the visit to Japan of the US defense secretary, Robert Gates, and a month before that of President Barack Obama, and underlines the new tone adopted by Mr Hatoyama’s centre-left government in its dealings with the US…

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Peace Fraud: Obama
October 14, 2009, 9:18 am
Filed under: China / SE Asia, Russia / Caucacus, War | Tags: , , , , , , ,

Wall Street Journal: Afghanistan: Top Troop Request Exceeds 60,000

Yahoo: Obama approved 13,000 more troops to Afghanistan

Global Research: October Surprise: Peace Prize to a War Criminal

Check out this article–it’s an excellent summary of the dizzying hypocrisy involved in Obama receiving what amounts to an modern oligarchical title of nobility. Remember that the nomination deadline for the Nobel Prize was only 1 month into Obama’s administration, when even less had done towards the advancement of the peace issue (if that’s possible).

Obama and the Nobel Prize: When War becomes Peace, When the Lie becomes the Truth
by Michel Chossudovsky

When war becomes peace,
When concepts and realities are turned upside down,
When fiction becomes truth and truth becomes fiction.
When a global military agenda is heralded as a humanitarian endeavor,
When the killing of civilians is upheld as “collateral damage”,
When those who resist the US-NATO led invasion of their homeland are categorized as “insurgents” or “terrorists”.
When preemptive nuclear war is upheld as self defense.
When advanced torture and “interrogation” techniques are routinely used to “protect peacekeeping operations”,
When tactical nuclear weapons are heralded by the Pentagon as “harmless to the surrounding civilian population”
When three quarters of US personal federal income tax revenues are allocated to financing what is euphemistically referred to as “national defense”
When the Commander in Chief of the largest military force on planet earth is presented as a global peace-maker,
When the Lie becomes the Truth

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The Belt of Conflict

The United States is continually expanding the presence of their forces to several points throughout the globe. The locations of these engagements form a “belt of conflict” which stretches the length of the globe. Now, the conflict in these areas is escalating to a point at which, some time in the future, the possibility of an international conflict with nuclear overtones can be seen. From military bases in Colombia, destabilization of Bolivia and Venezuela, funding and arming separatist groups in Africa, manufacturing humanitarian precepts for Sudanese involvement, the continuing conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan, NATO expansion in Eastern Europe, strategic maneuvering in the Caspian basin, attempts to gain control of the “string of pearls” and the escalating competition over Arctic resources– the U.S is pursuing a policy of confrontation for the sole purpose of gaining access to natural resources, subverting potential international coalitions and securing freedom of international military deployment.

RIA Novosti: U.S. could deploy missile shield in Arctic – Russia’s NATO envoy

Ice News: US could launch missiles from the Baltic Sea

GeoPoliticalMonitor.com: U.S weapons end up in al-Qaeda hands

Telegraph: NATO commander warns of conflict with Russia in the Arctic Circle

Rick Rozoff: U.S., NATO Poised For Most Massive War In Afghanistan’s History

Anti-war groups turn against Barack Obama after Afghanistan surge
September 1, 2009, 4:16 am
Filed under: Empire, Middle East, War | Tags: , , , ,

It’s time to make anti-war protests a non-partisan issue. This involves engagement of anti-war groups to keep them moving forward regardless of Obama’s rhetoric or their own dellusions. Many of these groups are now putting their energy behind supporting the latest health care reform instead of continuing agitation of the war issue. Attacks from the left rather than the “no big government–no taxes–no safety net–no market regulation” sector are far more effective and could see substantial results if applied correctly.

Anti-war groups turn against Barack Obama after Afghanistan surge

There is rising disillusion among liberals and peace activists that a president who built his campaign on his opposition to the war in Iraq now views America’s other conflict as a “war of necessity”.

Mr Obama has already added 21,000 extra troops to the 38,000 stationed there by George W Bush. In the next few weeks, he is likely to receive requests from the Pentagon for more when Gen Stanley McChrystal, the US commander in Afghanisan, submits a report on the progress of the war…

…On Friday the Pentagon confirmed that August was the deadliest month for US troops since the start of the war in October 2001 to remove the Taliban government, which had refused to hand over Osama bin Laden after the September 11 attacks.